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Insulation Aluminum Coil

Insulation Aluminum Coil can reduce the impact of the external low temperature environment on the equipment, greatly reduce energy consumption and loss, and thus bring higher economic benefits.

In recent years, the use of thermal insulation aluminum sheets has become more and more extensive. Aluminum alloy materials can be used for various pipe insulation, equipment insulation, tank insulation, and reactor tank insulation.

Table of Contents

  1. What are the Advantages of Aluminum Coils for Pipe Insulation?
  2. Aluminum Coil Specifications for Insulation Materials
  3. Typical Insulation Aluminum Coils
    1. 3003 Thermal Insulation Aluminum Coil
    2. 1050 Heat Insulation Aluminum Coil
    3. 1060 Heat Insulation Aluminum Coil
  4. How to Choose Thermal Insulation Aluminum Coil?
    1. Application of 3003 Thermal Insulation Aluminum Coil
    2. Application of 1050 Thermal Insulation Aluminum Coil
    3. Application of 1060 Thermal Insulation Aluminum Coil
  5. How much is the Price of 3003 Coiled Material for Pipe Insulation?
  6. Manufacturer of 1050 Aluminum Coils for Insulation Materials

The models include 1060 insulation aluminum coils and 3003 insulation aluminum coils. The thickness ranges from 0.5-3.0mm.

There are two main features:

Insulation pipes are mainly buried in the ground, and have high requirements for their thermal insulation performance, water resistance and corrosion resistance. With the continuous development of my country's infrastructure, urban infrastructure has been better constructed and improved, and the demand for the laying and use of insulation pipes continues to increase. .

Insulation Aluminum Coil

A layer of aluminum skin is added outside the insulation material to reduce heat loss and bring better insulation effect. For equipment insulation, the aluminum skin insulation system can reduce the impact of the external low temperature environment on the equipment, greatly reduce energy consumption and loss, and thus bring higher economic benefits.

What are the Advantages of Aluminum Coils for Pipe Insulation?

Aluminum Coil for Pipe Insulation

Aluminum Coil Specifications for Insulation Materials

Specification Range/Options
Alloy 3003, 1050, 1060, etc.
Thickness Range 0.2 mm - 3.0 mm (or more)
Width 1000 mm - 2000 mm (or custom)
Coil Weight Varies based on dimensions
Surface Finish Mill finish, polished, coated, etc.
Temper H14, H16, H24, O, etc.
Insulation Coating Optional (based on requirements)
Tolerance As per manufacturer's standards
Packaging Protective material (plastic, paper, etc.)

Typical Insulation Aluminum Coils

3003 Thermal Insulation Aluminum Coil

3003 thermal insulation aluminum coil is a hot-selling product among thermal insulation materials. 3003 thermal insulation aluminum coil is a representative product of 3 series aluminum-manganese alloy, also called anti-rust aluminum coil, which is mainly used in the fields of pipeline, building roof and wall insulation materials, etc., especially in pipeline insulation projects, with excellent anti-corrosion and thermal insulation functions.

3003 Thermal Insulation Aluminum Coil

1050 Heat Insulation Aluminum Coil

Alloy 1050 is a commercially pure aluminum alloy known for its excellent electrical and thermal conductivity, high reflectivity, and good formability. It is often used in applications where it has the advantages of non-heat treatable properties and high electrical conductivity. For insulation purposes, it can be used in applications where the primary requirement is heat reflection or heat dissipation.

1060 Heat Insulation Aluminum Coil

Like 1050, 1060 alloy is a pure aluminum alloy with similar properties. It is soft, malleable, and has excellent electrical and thermal conductivity. For thermal insulation applications, it can be used where high thermal conductivity is required, such as heat sinks, the purpose of which is to efficiently dissipate heat away from sensitive electronic components.

How to Choose Thermal Insulation Aluminum Coil?

1060 aluminum coils belong to the pure aluminum series, and 80% of the projects will choose to use them, while 3003 aluminum coils are used as aluminum-manganese alloys, which have better anti-rust performance, and are mostly used in projects with high anti-corrosion requirements and relatively corrosive environments, such as chemical industry Plant desulfurization insulation projects, etc.

In addition, in coastal or highly corrosive environments, it is recommended to use 3003 aluminum coils.

3003 aluminum coil is an AL-Mn alloy, which has excellent anti-rust properties, its strength is about 10% higher than that of 1100, and its formability, weldability, and corrosion resistance are all good. For processing parts that require good formability, high corrosion resistance, and good weldability, such as outer packaging, mechanical parts, refrigerators, air-conditioning ventilation ducts, etc.

Application of 3003 Thermal Insulation Aluminum Coil

HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) Systems: Used in heat exchangers, air handlers, evaporator coils, and condenser coils for efficient heat transfer and insulation.

3003 Thermal Insulation Aluminum Coil

Application of 1050 Thermal Insulation Aluminum Coil

Application of 1060 Thermal Insulation Aluminum Coil

It is worth noting that the choice of a specific aluminum alloy depends on the requirements of the application, including factors such as thermal conductivity, corrosion resistance, formability, and cost. The properties of each alloy make it suitable for the different insulation needs of different industries and products.

How much is the Price of 3003 Coiled Material for Pipe Insulation?

1060 aluminum sheet coils and 3003 coils for pipe insulation vary in thickness according to their needs, and the common thickness specifications range from 0.5-3mm. The price of aluminum coils has a certain relationship with the price of aluminum ingots in the market and the strength of manufacturers. The price of aluminum ingots in the market fluctuates to varying degrees every day, which affects its quotations. The strength of manufacturers refers to the different input costs and prices of manufacturers. The cost of material input is higher, and the price is naturally a bit more expensive than that of small factories, but the product quality is more guaranteed.

Manufacturer of 1050 Aluminum Coils for Insulation Materials

Haomei Aluminum has rich production experience, and its products have complete specifications. Products of various specifications and models you want are available here. For users with special production needs, we can also customize production plans for you and refine the production of products. Details to produce the product specifications you want.

Haomei Aluminum is a large-scale manufacturer of aluminum sheets, aluminum coils, and aluminum foils. 1060 aluminum coils | 3003 aluminum coils for petrochemical insulation pipes can be customized, with a thickness range of 0.2-8mm.

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